Mixed-valence complex

The biferrocenium cation is classified as type II mixed valence complex.[1]

Mixed valence complexes contain an element which is present in more than one oxidation state.[2] Well-known mixed valence compounds include the Creutz–Taube complex, Prussian blue, and molybdenum blue. Many solids are mixed-valency including indium chalcogenides.

  1. ^ Cowan, D. O.; LeVanda, C.; Park, J.; Kaufman, F. (1973). "Organic Solid State. VIII. Mixed-Valence Ferrocene Chemistry". Accounts of Chemical Research. 6: 1–7. doi:10.1021/ar50061a001.
  2. ^ Demadis, Konstantinos D.; Hartshorn, Chris M.; Meyer, Thomas J. (2001). "The Localized-to-Delocalized Transition in Mixed-Valence Chemistry". Chemical Reviews. 101 (9): 2655–2686. doi:10.1021/cr990413m. PMID 11749392.