Mocuio Formation

Mocuio Formation
Stratigraphic range: Late Campanian—Early Maastrichtian
TypeGeological formation
OverliesBaba Formation
Country Angola

The Mocuio Formation is a Late Cretaceous sedimentary rock formation found in southern Angola. It extends from the latest Campanian to the Early Maastrichtian.[1] Many vertebrate fossils have been collected from the formation.

  1. ^ Strganac, Christopher; Salminen, Johanna; Jacobs, Louis L.; Polcyn, Michael J.; Ferguson, Kurt M.; Mateus, Octávio; Schulp, Anne S.; Morais, Maria Luísa; Tavares, Tatiana da Silva; Gonçalves, António Olímpio (2014-11-01). "Carbon isotope stratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, and 40Ar/39Ar age of the Cretaceous South Atlantic coast, Namibe Basin, Angola". Journal of African Earth Sciences. Special Volume of the 24th Colloquium of African Geology. 99: 452–462. Bibcode:2014JAfES..99..452S. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.03.003. ISSN 1464-343X.