The Moldavian-Muntenian Carpathians are a group of mountain ranges in Romania. These ranges are considered part of the Outer Eastern Carpathians. Within Romania, however, it is traditional to divide the Eastern Romanian Carpathians (in Romanian, Munții Carpați Orientali) into three geographical groups, instead in Outer and Inner Eastern Carpathians:
The Eastern Romanian (Oriental) Carpathians include:
Ridges of Bukovina (RO: Obcinele Bucovinei), i.e. Obcina Mare (Great Ridge), Obcina Mestecăniș (Mestecăniș Ridge) and Obcina Feredeului (Feredeu Ridge). In Romania these are considered part of the northern Carpathians of Maramureș and Bukovina (Munții Carpați ai Maramureșului și Bucovinei)
Stânișoara Mountains (RO: Munții Stânișoarei). In Romania considered part of the central Carpathians of Moldavia and Transylvania (Munții Carpați Moldo-Transilvani), or "MMT"