Money Musk

"Money Musk" being danced at Youth Dance Weekend 2019 in Weston, Vermont, with music by Calluna. The clip begins after the caller has dropped out.

"Money Musk" (/ˈmʌnɪ mʌsk/[1]), alternatively "Monymusk" or other variations, is a contra dance first published in 1786. It was named after a 1776 strathspey by Daniel Dow which is played to accompany it, which itself was named after the House of Monymusk baronial estate. The dance features a central theme of reoriented lines, and is regarded as moderately difficult. It is still widely danced today, and is considered a traditional "chestnut".

  1. ^ "Money Musk". Lexico Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on February 4, 2021. Retrieved January 29, 2021.