Monographia Chalciditum

Monographia Chalciditum Plate A

Monographia Chalciditum by Francis Walker, published in two volumes in 1839, was a founding work of entomology, introducing new genera of chalcidoid Hymenoptera later to be ranked as families. The work is a compilation of descriptions published in the Entomological Magazine. In its preparation Walker used descriptions provided by the Irish entomologist Alexander Henry Haliday.

The work is monographic in the sense that it includes amplified descriptions of the genera and species of previous authors and new species descriptions, thereby presenting a complete account of what was then known of the "Chalcidites". Works examined and cited are by : the German entomologist and zoologist Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger, the Swedish physician and naturalist Johan Wilhelm Dalman, the Italian Entomologist Maximilian Spinola and the English entomologists John Obadiah Westwood and John Curtis. The descriptions required the collection, study and often the dissection of a large number of specimens.

The parts were:

  • 1833. Monographia chalcidum (continued from page 384). Entomol. Mag. 1(5): 455-466.
  • 1834. Monographia chalciditum (continued from p. 39). Entomol. Mag. 2(2): 148-179.
  • 1834. Monographia chalciditum (continued from p. 309). Entomol. Mag. 2(4): 340-369.
  • 1835. Characters of some undescribed New Holland Diptera. Entomol. Mag. 2(5): 468-473.
  • 1835. Monographia chalciditum (continued from p. 369). Entomol. Mag. 2(5): 476-502.
  • 1835. Monographia chalciditum (continued from Vol. II., page 502.). Entomol. Mag. 3(1): 94-97.
  • 1836. Monographia chalciditum (continued). Entomol. Mag. 3(5): 465-496.
  • 1838. Descriptions of British chalcidites. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1)1(4): 307-312.
  • 1838. Descriptions of British chalcidites. [continuation from p. 312] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1)1(5): 381-387.

The work is thus divided:

  • 1839. Monographia Chalciditum. Volume 1. Balliere, London. 333 pp.
  • 1839. Monographia Chalciditum. Volume 2. Balliere, London. 100 pp.