Monti Marsicani

The Monti Marsicani (or 'Marsicano',[1]) are the sixth-highest group of Apennines located in the Abruzzo region, mostly in the Province of L’Aquila and partly in the Province of Frosinone and Province of Isernia. The highest peak is Monte Greco (2285m). They are limited in north by the Fucino plateau and Peligna Valley, on the east by the River Gizio and Altopiano delle Cinque Miglia, on the south by the Valley Sangro and Volturno, on the east by valley Liri and Melfa.

The main feature of this area is the rugged landscape characterized by a wild and well-preserved natural environment with dense forests composed mainly of beech and with the presence of many endangered species. Their survival was possible mainly thanks to the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise that protects a huge part of this mountain group.