Mr. Bones (video game)

Mr. Bones
North American cover art
Director(s)Jeff Fort
Producer(s)Ed Zobrist
  • Simon Hallam
  • Dave Castelnuovo
  • Michael Gates
  • Jason Hough
Writer(s)E. Ettore Annunziata
Composer(s)Ronnie Montrose
Jim Hedges (in-game)
Brian Coburn (Skeletism Generator)
Platform(s)Sega Saturn

Mr. Bones is a multi-genre video game conceptualized by Ed Annunziata, developed by Zono and published by Sega for the Sega Saturn in 1996. The soundtrack to Mr. Bones was composed and performed by Ronnie Montrose, with cutscenes and art assets done by Angel Studios. The player takes on the role of a reanimated skeleton working to prevent the magician who revived him from using his undead army to ravage the world. Much of the gameplay relies upon effectively managing "skeletal magnetism", the magic which holds Mr. Bones's reanimated body together, and the game allows and at times requires Mr. Bones to operate with less than a full skeleton.

The game met with divisive reviews, with some hailing it as strikingly original and others decrying it as a hackneyed and generic platformer.

  1. ^ "Sega Press". 1997-07-15. Archived from the original on 1997-07-15. Retrieved 2023-05-04.
  2. ^ "Mr. Bones". 1996-12-15. Archived from the original on 1996-12-15. Retrieved 2023-11-15.
  3. ^ "ソフトウェア一覧(セガ発売". Archived from the original on 2020-03-27. Retrieved 2024-06-22.