Mudan incident

Mudan Incident
Victims Tomb at Gokokuji Temple, Naha City. Okinawa Prefecture
LocationTaiwan Prefecture, Fujian Province, Qing China
DateDecember 1871
Attack type
Victim54 Ryukyuan sailors
PerpetratorsPaiwan Formosans

The Mudan incident of 1871 (Chinese: 八瑤灣事件Japanese: 宮古島島民遭難事件[2]Japanese: 琉球漂流民殺害事件[3]) was the massacre of 54 Ryukyuan sailors in Qing-era Taiwan who wandered into the central part of Taiwan after their ship shipwrecked off of Taiwan's southeastern coast. Twelve survivors were rescued by local Han people and were later returned to Miyako Island in the Ryukyu Islands.

Because the Ryukyu Kingdom was a tributary state of Qing China as well as within the Japanese sphere of influence, the massacre was used as a pretext for Japan to invade southern Taiwan in 1874 to avenge "Japanese nationals" and subsequently annex the Ryukyu Kingdom in 1879.

  1. ^ 臺灣歷史地圖 增訂版. [Taiwan Historical Maps, Expanded and Revised Edition]. Taipei: National Museum of Taiwan History. February 2018. p. 80. ISBN 978-986-05-5274-4. 1871年,一艘琉球國宮古島的船隻漂流到八瑤灣,登陸幾天後,54名船員因故被高士佛社的原住民殺害。
  2. ^ "宮古島民54人が犠牲に…研究者「知ってほしい」墓参の勧め 台湾「牡丹杜事件」 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース". 沖縄タイムス+プラス (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-11-29.
  3. ^ "琉球漂流民殺害事件(りゅうきゅうひょうりゅうみんさつがいじけん)|日本史 -り-|ヒストリスト[Historist]−歴史と教科書の山川出版社の情報メディア−". Facebook OGP用 サイト名 (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-11-29.