Muhammad Taqi Usmani bibliography

The bibliography of Muhammad Taqi Usmani includes books, translations, commentaries, articles written by Pakistani Muslim jurist and scholar Muhammad Taqi Usmani. Usmani is an authority in Islamic finance, law and scholarship.[1]

Usmani has written more than 143 books in Arabic, English and Urdu.[2] He is the chief-editor of Al-Balagh, a monthly journal of Darul Uloom Karachi.[2] His books include Takmilat Fatḥ al-mulhim, Uṣūl al-iftā’ wa-ādābuhu, An Introduction to Islamic Finance, The Meanings of the Noble Qur'an with explanatory notes, Islam aur Jidat Pasandi and Zikr-o-Fikr.

A pile of books by Usmani
  1. ^ Zil Huma (January–June 2019). "Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani ki maroof tasnīfāt-o-tālifāt ka ta'ārufi jāyzah". Rāhatul Qulūb. 3 (1): 197.
  2. ^ a b "Justice Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Usmani". Retrieved 19 January 2021.