Multiwinner approval voting

Multiwinner approval voting[1], also called approval-based committee (ABC) voting,[2] is a multi-winner electoral system that uses approval ballots. Each voter may select ("approve") any number of candidates, and multiple candidates are elected. The number of elected candidates is usually fixed in advance. For example, it can be the number of seats in a country's parliament, or the required number of members in a committee.

Multiwinner approval voting is an adaptation of approval voting to multiwinner elections. In a single-winner approval voting system, it is easy to determine the winner: it is the candidate approved by the largest number of voters. In multiwinner approval voting, there are many different ways to decide which candidates will be elected.

  1. ^ Aziz, Haris; Gaspers, Serge; Gudmundsson, Joachim; Mackenzie, Simon; Mattei, Nicholas; Walsh, Toby (2014-07-11). "Computational Aspects of Multi-Winner Approval Voting". arXiv:1407.3247 [cs.GT].
  2. ^ Aziz, Haris; Brill, Markus; Conitzer, Vincent; Elkind, Edith; Freeman, Rupert; Walsh, Toby (2017). "Justified representation in approval-based committee voting". Social Choice and Welfare. 48 (2): 461–485. arXiv:1407.8269. doi:10.1007/s00355-016-1019-3. S2CID 8564247.