Murciana goat

Murciana, also called Murcian, Murcien, Murciene and Royal Murciana is a dual-purpose (for both milk and meat[1]) breed of goat originally bred in the Murcia province along the Mediterranean coast of southeastern Spain.[2] The main milk-producing goat breed in Spain is a cross between the Murciana and the Granadina goat known as Murciano-granadina goat.[3] Only the latter is officially recognized by the Spanish government,[4] so Murciana goats are considered a variety of such breed.[3]

  1. ^ Amundson, Carol A. (2009), How to Raise Goats (illustrated ed.), Voyageur Press, pp. 12–13, ISBN 978-0-7603-3157-6
  2. ^ Frey, Mrs. Eula Fay (January 1960), How American La Manchas Came to Be, Dairy Goat Journal
  3. ^ a b Cortés Espinosa, Silvia (2010). "Creación del banco de germoplasma de la cabra granadina [Germplasm bank of the Granadina goat population]" (PDF). Abstracts for the 10th International Conference on Goats, Brazil. Universidad de Córdoba. Retrieved 2 October 2019.
  4. ^ Tejerina Ampudia, Fernando. "Raza caprina MURCIANO-GRANADINA". Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Retrieved 2 October 2019.