
Dampier Archipelago and Burrup Peninsula

Murujuga, formerly known as Dampier Island and today usually known as the Burrup Peninsula, is an area in the Dampier Archipelago, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, containing the town of Dampier. The Dampier Rock Art Precinct, which covers the entire archipelago, is the subject of ongoing political debate due to historical and proposed industrial development. Over 40% of Murujuga lies within Murujuga National Park, which contains within it the world's largest collection of ancient 40,000 year old[1] rock art (petroglyphs).

The region is sometimes confused with the Dampier Peninsula, 800 kilometres (500 mi) to the north-east.

  1. ^ "World's largest collection of ancient rock art threatened by Australia's petrochemical plants". Retrieved 28 May 2023.