Music education for young children

Mamatoto Playgroup, Lions' Club Hall. Mamatoto in Swahili means "motherbaby". Mamatoto groups have been started throughout the world to support this unit of mother and baby.
Suzuki Violin group, Suzuki Institute.
Children's action songs offer rich learning experiences that have children memorize information in various ways. Children learn musically, vocally, visually, and physically while listening to children's action songs. Combining these learning modes in children's action songs helps improve information memorization, recall, and fine and gross motor skills.
Fingerplays and action rhymes are short poems, lyrics, chants, or stories that can be used as musical experiences for your child to learn through hand motions—the lyrics pair words and actions, which correspond to hand movements. For centuries, parents, grandparents, and instructors, the keepers of history, have fashioned and passed down fingerplays and action rhymes.
Some very loud instruments that are suitable for children: vuvuzela, Soprano and alto recorder head joints, pea whistle, very loud maracas (LP 281)

Music education for young children is an educational program introducing children in a playful manner to singing, speech, music, motion and organology. It is a subarea of music education.