Musnad al-Shafi'i

Musnad al-Shafi'i
AuthorAbū ʿAbdullāh Muhammad ibn Idrīs Al-Shafi‘i
Original titleمسند الشافعي
GenreHadith collection
Publication placeCaliphate

Musnad al-Shafi'i (Arabic: مسند الشافعي, romanizedMusnad al-Shāfiʿī) is a hadith collection attributed to Islamic scholar al-Shafi‘i.[1]

Shah Abd Al-Aziz Ad-Dehlawi writes “This Musnad is used to designate the marfū’ hadīth which ash-Shāfi’ī related to his companions. Those of them which reached Abul-'Abbas Muhammad ibn Ya’qūb al-Asamm from what he heard from Rabi' ibn Sulaymān of the Kitāb al-Umm and al-Mabsūt were collected by him in one place; he called it the Musnad ash-Shāfi’ī. [2]

  1. ^ "Musnad Imam al-Shafi'i". Retrieved Apr 30, 2019.
  2. ^ Bustān Al-Muhadithīn, pp.66-67, Eng translation, published by Turath Publishing