Myosatellite cell

Myosatellite cell
Anatomical terms of microanatomy

Myosatellite cells, also known as satellite cells, muscle stem cells or MuSCs, are small multipotent cells with very little cytoplasm found in mature muscle.[1] Satellite cells are precursors to skeletal muscle cells, able to give rise to satellite cells or differentiated skeletal muscle cells.[2] They have the potential to provide additional myonuclei to their parent muscle fiber, or return to a quiescent state.[3] More specifically, upon activation, satellite cells can re-enter the cell cycle to proliferate and differentiate into myoblasts.[4]

Myosatellite cells are located between the basement membrane and the sarcolemma of muscle fibers,[5] and can lie in grooves either parallel or transversely to the longitudinal axis of the fibre. Their distribution across the fibre can vary significantly. Non-proliferative, quiescent myosatellite cells, which adjoin resting skeletal muscles, can be identified by their distinct location between sarcolemma and basal lamina, a high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic volume ratio, few organelles (e.g. ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, golgi complexes), small nuclear size, and a large quantity of nuclear heterochromatin relative to myonuclei. On the other hand, activated satellite cells have an increased number of caveolae, cytoplasmic organelles, and decreased levels of heterochromatin.[2] Satellite cells are able to differentiate and fuse to augment existing muscle fibers and to form new fibers. These cells represent the oldest known adult stem cell niche, and are involved in the normal growth of muscle, as well as regeneration following injury or disease.

In undamaged muscle, the majority of satellite cells are quiescent; they neither differentiate nor undergo cell division. In response to mechanical strain, satellite cells become activated. Activated satellite cells initially proliferate as skeletal myoblasts before undergoing myogenic differentiation.[1]

  1. ^ a b Birbrair A, Delbono O (August 2015). "Pericytes are Essential for Skeletal Muscle Formation". Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. 11 (4): 547–548. doi:10.1007/s12015-015-9588-6. PMID 25896402. S2CID 12812499.
  2. ^ a b Kadi F, Charifi N, Denis C, Lexell J, Andersen JL, Schjerling P, et al. (November 2005). "The behaviour of satellite cells in response to exercise: what have we learned from human studies?". Pflügers Archiv. 451 (2): 319–327. doi:10.1007/s00424-005-1406-6. PMID 16091958. S2CID 21822010.
  3. ^ Kadi F, Schjerling P, Andersen LL, Charifi N, Madsen JL, Christensen LR, Andersen JL (August 2004). "The effects of heavy resistance training and detraining on satellite cells in human skeletal muscles". The Journal of Physiology. 558 (Pt 3): 1005–1012. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2004.065904. PMC 1665027. PMID 15218062.
  4. ^ Siegel AL, Kuhlmann PK, Cornelison DD (February 2011). "Muscle satellite cell proliferation and association: new insights from myofiber time-lapse imaging". Skeletal Muscle. 1 (1): 7. doi:10.1186/2044-5040-1-7. PMC 3157006. PMID 21798086.
  5. ^ Zammit PS, Partridge TA, Yablonka-Reuveni Z (November 2006). "The skeletal muscle satellite cell: the stem cell that came in from the cold". The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 54 (11): 1177–1191. doi:10.1369/jhc.6r6995.2006. PMID 16899758.