N-vector model

In statistical mechanics, the n-vector model or O(n) model is a simple system of interacting spins on a crystalline lattice. It was developed by H. Eugene Stanley as a generalization of the Ising model, XY model and Heisenberg model.[1] In the n-vector model, n-component unit-length classical spins are placed on the vertices of a d-dimensional lattice. The Hamiltonian of the n-vector model is given by:

where the sum runs over all pairs of neighboring spins and denotes the standard Euclidean inner product. Special cases of the n-vector model are:

: The self-avoiding walk[2][3]
: The Ising model
: The XY model
: The Heisenberg model
: Toy model for the Higgs sector of the Standard Model

The general mathematical formalism used to describe and solve the n-vector model and certain generalizations are developed in the article on the Potts model.

  1. ^ Stanley, H. E. (1968). "Dependence of Critical Properties upon Dimensionality of Spins". Phys. Rev. Lett. 20 (12): 589–592. Bibcode:1968PhRvL..20..589S. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.20.589.
  2. ^ de Gennes, P. G. (1972). "Exponents for the excluded volume problem as derived by the Wilson method". Phys. Lett. A. 38 (5): 339–340. Bibcode:1972PhLA...38..339D. doi:10.1016/0375-9601(72)90149-1.
  3. ^ Gaspari, George; Rudnick, Joseph (1986). "n-vector model in the limit n→0 and the statistics of linear polymer systems: A Ginzburg–Landau theory". Phys. Rev. B. 33 (5): 3295–3305. Bibcode:1986PhRvB..33.3295G. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.33.3295. PMID 9938709.