Nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) is a family of transcription factors shown to be important in immune response. One or more members of the NFAT family is expressed in most cells of the immune system. NFAT is also involved in the development of cardiac, skeletal muscle, and nervous systems. NFAT was first discovered as an activator for the transcription of IL-2 in T cells (as a regulator of T cell immune response) but has since been found to play an important role in regulating many more body systems.[1] NFAT transcription factors are involved in many normal body processes as well as in development of several diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases and several types of cancer. NFAT is also being investigated as a drug target for several different disorders.

  1. ^ Pan MG, Xiong Y, Chen F (May 2013). "NFAT gene family in inflammation and cancer". Current Molecular Medicine. 13 (4): 543–54. doi:10.2174/1566524011313040007. PMC 3694398. PMID 22950383.