Nakorotubu District

Nakorotubu is one of nineteen districts in Fiji's Ra Province.[1][2] It consists of seven sub-districts or sub-regions: the five villages of Namarai, Naocobau, Nadavacia, Saioko and Verevere.[3]

Nakorotubu also refers to one of the four main traditional regions (with Saivou, Nalawa, Rakiraki) of Ra with the referral traditional title of Gonesau and covers the geographical area of seven of the nineteen districts or sub regions (tikina makawa) of Ra: Nakorotubu, Bureiwai, Kavula, Bureivanua, Nakoilava, Mataso and Navitilevu.[4]

  1. ^ "Fiji Islands: Provinces and Districts" (PDF).
  2. ^ Nakoro, Elia (2009). "Cultural Survey of the Nakorotubu Range, Ra and Tailevu Provinces, Fiji". A Rapid Biodiversity Assessment of the Nakorotubu Range, Ra and Tailevu Provinces, Fiji. Vol. rbba. p. 68. doi:10.1896/054.059.0111. ISBN 9781934151426.
  3. ^ "Nakorotubu".
  4. ^ Seruvakula, Semi (2000). "Kena Ikuri". Bula Vakavanua (in Fijian). Institute of Pacific Studies. ISBN 978-982-02-0151-4.