National Caucus of Labor Committees

The National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) is a political organization in the United States founded and controlled by political activist Lyndon LaRouche until his 2019 death. LaRouche sometimes described the NCLC as a "philosophical association". It is the main organization within the LaRouche movement. LaRouche was the association's leader, and the political views of the NCLC are virtually indistinguishable from those of LaRouche.

The highest group within the NCLC is the National Executive Committee (NEC), described as the "inner leadership circle",[1] or "an elite circle of insiders",[2] which "oversees policy".[3] The next most senior group is the National Committee (NC),[2] which is reportedly "one step beneath the NEC".[4]

  1. ^ "Rt. 28 Suicide Jumper Was Long-Time Associate of LaRouche", Nicholas F. Benton, Falls Church News-Press. 19 April 2007
  2. ^ a b "Breaking the Silence: An Ex-LaRouche Follower Tells Her Story", LINDA RAY, In These Times, Oct. 29, 1986
  3. ^ "Raid Stirs Reports of LaRouche's Dark Side" Kevin Roderick, Los Angeles Times Oct 14, 1986. pg. 1