National Jury of Elections

JNE logo with its motto: Garantía de la voluntad popular (Guarantee of the people's will).

The National Jury of Elections (Spanish: Jurado Nacional de Elecciones, JNE) of is an autonomous constitutional organ, headquartered in Lima, which serves as Peru's electoral court. Its goal is to oversee the legality of electoral processes, guaranteeing the respect for the population's will. Thus, it is the entity in charge of proclaiming the official electoral results and awarding recognitions or credentials to the elected authorities. Furthermore, it passes resolutions to regulate the electoral dispositions.

Moreover, the Jury reviews appeals to resolutions passes in first instance by the Special Electoral Juries and has the last word on controversies regarding electoral matters. It also settles cases on vacancies declared by Regional and Municipal Councils.

Its five members are elected by different entities of the State. Its president is elected by the Supreme Court of Justice and the remaining four magistrates are appointed by the Public Ministry after being elected by the lawyers in Lima and the deans of the Law faculties, one from public universities and another from the private ones.

The Jury handles the Registry of Political Organizations, where the active political parties in Peru are registered.