National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation

The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH) is a non-profit organization that assists people who have albinism. NOAH was created in 1982 and is based in East Hampstead, New Hampshire.[1]

NOAH is operated by volunteers. It is funded primarily by member dues and contributions. NOAH also receives received grants for specific projects, such as its handbook for new parents. The NOAH board of directors has committees on advocacy, conferences, financial development, albinism awareness, and editorial.

NOAH sponsors workshops and conferences on albinism. It also publishes a quarterly magazine, Albinism InSight, information bulletins, a network of local chapters and contact people, an informational Web site and bulletin boards. The objective is to disseminate correct information about albinism through the media, libraries, medical professionals, and support groups for people with albinism in the United States and other countries the Albinism World Alliance.