National Union of University Students in Finland

The National Union of University Students in Finland (Finnish: Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto (SYL) ry, Swedish: Finlands studentkårers förbund (FSF) rf) is the largest national organisation providing benefits and services for students in Finland. Its members, including student unions and one student body, consists of over 140,000 bachelor's and master's degree students as well as postgraduates. It was established in 1921.

The primary goals of SYL are the social position of students and the improvement of their study possibilities. In its activities, SYL concentrates on influencing nationwide legislation.

There is an executive board which is responsible for the activities of SYL. Marina Lampinen is the president of the executive board for 2013. The highest decision-making body in SYL is the November union meeting where student union representatives appoint the president and the executive board for the following year, decide on a plan of action, budget, administration and other possible issues brought forth.

The SYL Office is located in Helsinki along with the Finnish Student Sports federation (OLL), Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (SAMOK) and the Student Research Foundation Otus. SYL is also a member of the European Students' Union (ESU).