
Negamax search is a variant form of minimax search that relies on the zero-sum property of a two-player game.

This algorithm relies on the fact that to simplify the implementation of the minimax algorithm. More precisely, the value of a position to player A in such a game is the negation of the value to player B. Thus, the player on move looks for a move that maximizes the negation of the value resulting from the move: this successor position must by definition have been valued by the opponent. The reasoning of the previous sentence works regardless of whether A or B is on move. This means that a single procedure can be used to value both positions. This is a coding simplification over minimax, which requires that A selects the move with the maximum-valued successor while B selects the move with the minimum-valued successor.

It should not be confused with negascout, an algorithm to compute the minimax or negamax value quickly by clever use of alpha–beta pruning discovered in the 1980s. Note that alpha–beta pruning is itself a way to compute the minimax or negamax value of a position quickly by avoiding the search of certain uninteresting positions.

Most adversarial search engines are coded using some form of negamax search.