Nestinari Nunataks

Location of Tangra Mountains on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands.
Nestinari Nunataks from Komini Peak.
Topographic map of Livingston Island

Nestinari Nunataks (Nestinarski Nunatatsi \ne-sti-'nar-ski 'nu-na-ta-tsi\) are a pair of rocky peaks of elevation 470 m and 520 m in middle Huron Glacier, Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Situated in the north foothills of Tangra Mountains, 210 m away from each other.

They are named after the Greco-Bulgarian folkloric ritual of ‘Nestinari’ involving barefoot dancing on live embers.[1]

  1. ^ "Nestinari Nunataks". Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). Retrieved 29 September 2019.