Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology

Mackay School of Mines Building, University of Nevada

The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) is a research and public service unit of the University of Nevada and the State Geological Survey. NBMG is also part of the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering at the University of Nevada in Reno. Scientists with the NBMG conduct research and publish their findings around topics which include, mineral and energy resources, engineering geology, environmental geology, earthquakes, groundwater, and geologic mapping in Nevada. In addition, the NBMG provides special services in the field of analytical geochemistry and assay standards, mineral and rock identification. The NBMG provides earth-science education and in-service teacher training and continuing education for professional geoscientists, geologic and geotechnical information.[1]

The NBMG operates the State's abandoned mine lands program, to identify, rank the degree of hazard, and secure mine sites that are no longer operating. Since the inception of the program, over 2,400 sites have been secured. It is estimated that some 50,000 sites in Nevada pose varying degrees of physical safety hazard to the public. Field investigations have also yielded information that will be useful in determining the possibility of sites contributing to surface and groundwater contamination, such as acid mine drainage or excessive arsenic.[2]

  1. ^ Price, Jonathan (1995-12-29), Water Quality at Inactive and Abandoned Mines in Nevada, University of Nevada, CiteSeerX
  2. ^ Quad, Jack (1984-12-14), Reconnaissance Geochemical Assessment of Mineral Resources in Elko County Nevada, University of Nevada Reno, CiteSeerX