New Jersey Journal

The New Jersey Journal is the name of a newspaper established by Shepard Kollock in Chatham, New Jersey in 1779 while it was a village in the state of New Jersey, which had declared its independence in 1776 from the British colony named, the Province of New Jersey. The newspaper continued to be published throughout the American Revolutionary War and into the founding of the United States, its states, and its evolving local governments. The newspaper, which was restarted as the Elizabeth Daily Journal in 1787, was published until January 3, 1992, which was 212 years after it first started. At that time, it was the fourth oldest newspaper published continuously in the United States and the oldest newspaper in New Jersey.

The New Jersey Journal was an effective force working toward the unification of sentiment, the awakening of a consciousness of a common purpose, interest, and destiny among the separate revolting colonies, and of a determination to see the war through to its successful conclusion in 1783. Newspapers of that time were more single-minded than the people, and they bore no small share of the burden of arousing and supporting the often discouraged and indifferent public spirit.