
Ngarigo/Ngarigu People
aka: Ngarigo, Bombala tribe, Menero tribe, and Cooma tribe[1]
Language family:Pama–Nyungan
Language branch:Yuin–Kuric
Language group:Yora
Group dialects:Ngarigu
Location:Monaro and Australian Alpine regions of New South Wales and Victoria
Urban areas

The Ngarigo people (also spelt Garego, Ngarego, Ngarago, Ngaragu, Ngarigu, Ngarrugu or Ngarroogoo) are Aboriginal Australian people of southeast New South Wales, whose traditional lands also extend around the present border with Victoria. They are named for their language, Ngarigo, which in the 19th century was said to be spoken by the Nyamudy people (also known as Namwich or Yammoitmithang).

  1. ^ Tindale 1974, p. 198.