Nibiru (Babylonian astronomy)

Nibiru (also transliterated Neberu, Nebiru) is a term in the Akkadian language, translating to "crossing" or "point of transition", especially of rivers,[1] i.e., river crossings or ferry-boats. While the nature of the "crossing" in astronomy has "long been a source of confusion in scholarly and popular opinion",[2] in a 2015 report for the Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin,[2] Immanuel Freedman analyzed the extant cuneiform evidence and concluded that the hypothesis that the name Nēbiru may be assigned to any visible astronomical object that marks an equinox is supported by cuneiform evidence.

  1. ^ Akkadian Dictionary: nēbertu *, nēburu in Akkadian Dictionary
  2. ^ a b Freedman, Immanuel "The Marduk Star Nēbiru". Retrieved 2015-10-11 (Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin 2015:3)