Nisero Incident

Crew members of the Nisero who were shipwrecked off the coast of Aceh in 1883 and held captive by a local chief for ten months.

The Nisero Incident arose when a British cargo ship, the Nisero, bound for Europe from Surabaya, Java, carrying a cargo of sugar, ran aground off the west coast of Aceh, Sumatra, on 8 November 1883. Seeing that the ship could not be saved, the 28 crew members rowed ashore and were met by a local chief, the Raja of Tenom, and a group of armed followers who took them into captivity. They spent much of their time over a period of ten months in huts, inside an enclosure guarded by the Raja's men, in miserable conditions, receiving usually two bowls of rice a day. Seven men died of cholera or malnutrition.

At first an attempt was made to rescue the men by force when a party of Dutch troops was sent ashore but were met with strong resistance and returned to their ship with the loss of several men. What followed was nine months of long, drawn out negotiations for their release with the Raja whose fluctuating demands included payment of a ransom and the reopening of his ports which were being blockaded by the Dutch with whom they were at war.

Finally, and with public anger against the British government's perceived inaction growing at home, a ransom was agreed, the men were released, after the British Colonial Secretary in Singapore delivered the money to the Raja on the beach, and they arrived safely back in England after ten months in captivity.