Nitride chloride

A chloride nitride is a mixed anion compound containing both chloride (Cl) and nitride ions (N3−). Another name is metallochloronitrides. They are a subclass of halide nitrides or pnictide halides.[1]

The group 4 element chloride nitrides can be intercalated by alkali metals that supply extra electrons, and other molecules such as from solvents like tetrahydrofuran, yielding layered substances that are superconductors. A superconductor transition temperature Tc of 25.5K has been achieved.[2]

  1. ^ Headspith, David A.; Francesconi, M. Grazia (October 2009). "Transition Metal Pnictide-Halides: A Class of Under-Explored Compounds". Topics in Catalysis. 52 (11): 1611–1627. doi:10.1007/s11244-009-9282-5. ISSN 1022-5528. S2CID 93522549.
  2. ^ Yamanaka, Shoji (2010). "Intercalation and superconductivity in ternary layer structured metal nitride halides (MNX: M = Ti, Zr, Hf; X = Cl, Br, I)". Journal of Materials Chemistry. 20 (15): 2922. doi:10.1039/b922149b. ISSN 0959-9428.