Noncentral beta distribution

Noncentral Beta
Notation Beta(α, β, λ)
Parameters α > 0 shape (real)
β > 0 shape (real)
λ ≥ 0 noncentrality (real)
PDF (type I)
CDF (type I)
Mean (type I) (see Confluent hypergeometric function)
Variance (type I) where is the mean. (see Confluent hypergeometric function)

In probability theory and statistics, the noncentral beta distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is a noncentral generalization of the (central) beta distribution.

The noncentral beta distribution (Type I) is the distribution of the ratio

where is a noncentral chi-squared random variable with degrees of freedom m and noncentrality parameter , and is a central chi-squared random variable with degrees of freedom n, independent of .[1] In this case,

A Type II noncentral beta distribution is the distribution of the ratio

where the noncentral chi-squared variable is in the denominator only.[1] If follows the type II distribution, then follows a type I distribution.

  1. ^ a b Chattamvelli, R. (1995). "A Note on the Noncentral Beta Distribution Function". The American Statistician. 49 (2): 231–234. doi:10.1080/00031305.1995.10476151.