Norfolk Trained Bands

Norfolk Trained Bands
Country England
Branch Trained Bands
RoleInfantry and Cavalry
Size5 Regiments of Foot, 1 Regiment of Horse
Sir William D'Oyly
Sir John Hobart, 3rd Baronet
Brampton Gurdon of Letton

The Norfolk Trained Bands were a part-time military force in the English county of Norfolk in East Anglia from 1558 until they were reconstituted as the Norfolk Militia in 1662. They were periodically embodied for home defence, for example during the Rising of the North in 1569 and the Armada Crisis of 1588. They campaigned in the Bishops' Wars but saw no active service then or during the English Civil War. However, the Norfolks TBs were an integral part of the government security apparatus during the period of the Commonwealth and Protectorate.