North Pole Stream

North Pole Stream (IR Walker 1986)
North Pole Stream (IR Walker 1986)

North Pole Stream is a tributary to the Little Southwest Miramichi River, with its headwaters in the Christmas Mountains of north-central, New Brunswick, Canada. It is an important spawning stream for Atlantic Salmon, and renowned among fly fishers.

The Mi'kmaq referred to the stream as "Kadunnatquegak" (watching salmon in a pool).

The English name seems to have originated with lumbermen, about 1840. Two theories have been suggested for its origin:[1][2]

  • the most northerly point they had lumbered
  • very cold conditions

The name inspired A. F. Wightman to name the adjacent peaks after Santa Claus' reindeer. These peaks are now referred to as the Christmas Mountains.

  1. ^ Rayburn, A. (1975) Geographical Names of New Brunswick. Toponymy Study 2. Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa
  2. ^ Geographical Names of Canada "Geographical Names of Canada". Archived from the original on 2009-02-07. Retrieved 2009-02-07.