Norwegian nationality law

Norwegian Nationality Act
Lov om norsk statsborgerskap
Citation10 juni 2005 nr. 51
Territorial extentNorway
Enacted byStorting
Royal assent10 June 2005
Commenced1 September 2006
8 desember 1950 nr. 3
Status: Amended

Norwegian nationality law details the conditions by which an individual is a national of Norway. The primary law governing these requirements is the Norwegian Nationality Act, which came into force on 1 September 2006. Norway is a member state of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the Schengen Area. All Norwegian nationals have automatic and permanent permission to live and work in any European Union (EU) or EFTA country.

Any person born to at least one Norwegian parent receives citizenship at birth, regardless of the place of birth. Foreign nationals may naturalise after meeting a residence requirement (usually eight years) and demonstrating proficiency in the Norwegian or Sami language. Citizens of other EEA and Nordic countries may acquire Norwegian nationality with reduced residency requirements.