Nuclear forensics

Nuclear forensics is the investigation of nuclear materials to find evidence for the source, the trafficking, and the enrichment of the material. The material can be recovered from various sources including dust from the vicinity of a nuclear facility, or from the radioactive debris following a nuclear explosion.[1][2]

Results of nuclear forensic testing are used by different organisations to make decisions. The information is typically combined with other sources of information such as law enforcement and intelligence information.[2][3]

  1. ^ May, Michael (ed.). Nuclear Forensics: Role, State of the Art, and Program Needs (PDF). ISBN 978-0-87168-720-3.
  2. ^ a b Erdmann, Nicole; Magnus Hedberg. "Particle Analysis - Finding the Needle in the Haystack" (PDF). Retrieved 24 November 2013.
  3. ^ "National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center - Definition and Role of Nuclear Forensics". US Department of Homeland Security. Retrieved 2013-05-14.