Nuisance abatement

Nuisance abatement is a growing area within policing and code enforcement. The term refers to using building codes, fire codes, zoning, etc. in order to improve the quality of life and resolve life safety issues within neighborhoods. Nuisance abatement programs are most often a component of problem oriented or community policing programs. In most Canadian jurisdictions, bylaw enforcement officers handle nuisance abatement.

In England and Wales, "abatement of nuisance" is a legal self-help procedure whereby any victim of a private nuisance may take steps (without seeking the court's approval) to deal with the problem.[1]

  1. ^ For instance, although English law does not give an occupier of land a "right to light", he was a right to peaceful enjoyment of the property. If the branches of a neighbour's tree grows over his land, a person may cut down the offending part of the branch. The branch must then be returned to the neighbour, who remains its owner.