Obesity in France

Obesity in France is a growing health issue. Obesity in children is growing at a faster rate than obesity in adults.

Based on World Health Organization (WHO) data published in 2014, 23.9% of French adults (age 18+) were clinically obese with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. The data showed the incidence of obesity in French women in 2014 was 24.0% and among French men 23.8%. Overall adult obesity rates in France were significantly ahead of the Netherlands at 19.8%, Germany at 20.1% and Italy at 21.0%, but behind the United Kingdom and the United States at 28.1% and 41.9% respectively.[1]

Based on 2014 WHO data, France was ranked as the 122nd fattest country in terms of mean BMI for adults of both sexes, with a mean BMI score of 25.3.[2]

  1. ^ "Prevalence of obesity, ages 18+, 2010-2014". World Health Organization. Retrieved 25 February 2016.
  2. ^ "Mean Body Mass Index trends (kg/m2), ages 18+, 2010-2014". World Health Organization. Retrieved 25 February 2016.