Occupational toxicology

Occupational toxicology is the application of toxicology to chemical hazards in the workplace. It focuses on substances and conditions that people may be exposed to in workplaces, including inhalation and dermal exposures, which are most prevalent when discussing occupational toxicology. These environmental and individual exposures can impact health, and there is a focus on identifying early adverse affects that are more subtle than those presented in clinical medicine.

Occupational toxicology interfaces heavily with other subfields of occupational safety and health. Occupational epidemiology studies may inspire toxicological study of causative agents, and toxicological investigations are important in establishing biomarkers for workplace health surveillance. Occupational toxicology studies may suggest or evaluate hazard controls used by industrial hygienists. Toxicological studies are also an important input for performing occupational risk assessment, and establishing standards and regulation such as occupational exposure limits.