Octadecatrienoic acid

(9Z,11E,13E)-Octadeca-9,11,13-trienoic acid (α-eleostearic acid)

An octadecatrienoic acid is a chemical compound with formula C
, a polyunsaturated fatty acid whose molecule has an 18-carbon unbranched backbone with three double bonds.

The name refers to many different structural and configurational isomers, that differ in the position of the double bonds along the backbone and on whether they are in cis (Z) or trans (E) configuration. Some isomers have considerable biological, pharmaceutical, or industrial importance, such as:

  1. ^ Dulf FV, Pamfil D, Baciu AD, Pintea A (2013). "Fatty acid composition of lipids in pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) seed genotypes". Chemistry Central Journal. 7 (8): 8. doi:10.1186/1752-153X-7-8. PMC 3560196. PMID 23327299.