October 1968 lunar eclipse

Total lunar eclipse
October 6, 1968
(No photo)

The moon passes west to east (right to left) across the Earth's umbral shadow, shown in hourly intervals.
Series 136 (17 of 72)
Gamma 0.36054
Magnitude 1.16913
Duration (hr:mn:sc)
Totality 01h02m58.1s
Partial 03h33m57.9s
Penumbral 05h52m07.1s
Contacts (UTC)
P1 08:45:55.0
U1 09:54:55.4
U2 11:10:25.7
Greatest 11:41:56.0
U3 12:13:23.8
U4 13:28:53.3
P4 14:38:02.1

A total lunar eclipse took place on Sunday, October 6, 1968, the second of two total eclipses in 1968, the first was on April 13, 1968. The tables below contain detailed predictions and additional information on the total lunar eclipse of October 6, 1968.

Eclipse characteristics
Parameter Value
Penumbral magnitude 2.22423
Umbral magnitude 1.16913
Gamma 0.36054
Epilson 0.3345º
Opposition times
Event Calendar date & time Julian date
Greatest eclipse 1968 Oct 06 at 11:42:35.0 TD (11:41:56.0 UT1) 2440135.987453
Ecliptic opposition 1968 Oct 06 at 11:46:44.1 TD (11:46:05.2 UT1) 2440135.990337
Equatorial opposition 1968 Oct 06 at 12:05:11.4 TD (12:04:32.4 UT1) 2440136.003153
Geocentric coordinates of Sun and Moon
1968 Oct 06 at 11:42:35.0 TD (11:41:56.0 UT1)
Coordinate Sun Moon
Right ascension 12h48m51.9s 00h48m13.3s
Declination -05°14'36.0" +05°32'13.0"
Semi-diameter 16'00.2" 15'10.1"
Eq. hor. parallax 08.8" 0°55'39.9"
Geocentric libration of Moon
Angle Value
l 4.6°
b -0.4°
c -21.4°
Earth's shadows
Parameter Value
Penumbral radius 1.2062°
Umbral radius 0.6728°
Prediction parameters
Parameter Value
Ephemerides JPL DE406
ΔT 39.0 s
Shadow rule Danjon
Shadow enlargement 1.010
Saros series 136 (17/72)