
An ocularist specializes in the fabrication and fitting of ocular prostheses for people who have lost an eye or eyes due to trauma or illness.[1] The fabrication process for a custom made eye typically includes taking an impression of the eye socket, shaping a plastic shell, painting the iris, and then fitting the ocular prostheses. Prefabricated ocular prostheses with different colored iris are also available. An ocularist may select the stock eye that is most closely matched to patient's iris color. However, due to better adaptation, comfort, and aesthetics, custom-made ocular prostheses are more accepted. In addition to creating the prosthetic eye, an ocularist shows the patient how to care for and handle the prosthesis.

Ocularists may develop their skills from various background disciplines, including medical, optometry, dental, nursing, biology, medical arts and illustration.

  1. ^ Khandekar, Rajiv; Changal, Nusrat; AlRasheed, Waleed (2020). "Ocularists the less known mid eye care professionals and their contribution in eye health care". Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology. 34 (3): 195–197. doi:10.4103/1319-4534.310403. ISSN 1319-4534. PMC 8081081. PMID 34085013.