Olivier Dubuquoy

Olivier Dubuquoy campaigning against red mud pollution in the Mediterranean sea in 2016.

Olivier Dubuquoy (born 1974)[1] is an author, film director and activist known for his fight against the pollution of the Mediterranean by red sludge and his fighting for an end to our dependency on fossil fuels responsible for global warming. He is the founder of the citizens' movement Nation Océan and the environmental protection association ZEA.[2][3]

  1. ^ Catalogue BnF.
  2. ^ Collectif, Vestiges de la Corderie à Marseille : non au carnage patrimonial !, liberation.fr, August 11, 2017: "Olivier DUBUQUOY, géographe, documentariste, lanceur d’alerte sur les boues rouges."
  3. ^ André Guigot, 12 bonnes raisons de se révolter, Bayard, 2017: "Olivier Dubuquoy, géographe altermondialiste, dénonce les pratiques systématiques de désinformation de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, s'attaque frontalement aux pollutions catastrophiques des Océans et crée en 2015 une association (Nation Océan) soutenue par Pierre Rabhi et José Bové."