Ongoing Nakba

"Ongoing Nakba" (Arabic: النکبة المستمرة, romanizedal-nakba al-mustamirra) is a historiographical framework and term that interprets the Palestinian "Nakba" or "catastrophe" as a still emerging and unfolding phenomenon. The phrase emerged in the late 1990s and its first public usage is widely credited to Hanan Ashrawi, who referred to it in a speech at the 2001 World Conference against Racism. The term was later adopted by scholars such as Joseph Massad and Elias Khoury. As an intellectual framework, the "ongoing Nakba" narrative reflects the conceptualisation of the Palestinian experience not as a series of isolated events, but as "a continuous experience of violence and dispossession", or as other have termed it, the "recurring loss" (Arabic: الفقدان المتكرر, romanizedal-fuqdan al-mutakarrir) of the Palestinian people.