Open-end spinning

Open-end spinning is a technology for creating yarn without using a spindle. It was invented and developed in Czechoslovakia in Výzkumný ústav bavlnářský / Cotton Research Institute in Ústí nad Orlicí in 1963.[1][2]

A spinner (Anett Mingram) cleans the spin box, the part containing the rotor. This allows for piecing, and a continuous conversion of sliver to yarn. (1987)
  1. ^ Carl A Lawrence (2010) Advances in Yarn Spinning Technology pp. 261–273, Woodhead Publishing, Oxford ISBN 978-1-84569-444-9
  2. ^ Zdeněk Pospíšil (1981) Příručka textilního odborníka pp. 411–425, SNTL, Prague OCLC 40091412 (Czech)