Operation Magic Carpet

Operation Magic Carpet
Part of the aftermath of World War II
Homeward bound GIs onboard the carrier USS Enterprise during Operation Magic Carpet
ObjectiveRepatriation of American military personnel from Europe, Asia, and the Pacific
DateJune 1945 – September 1946
Executed by United States
OutcomeSuccessful operation

Operation Magic Carpet was the post-World War II operation by the U.S. War Shipping Administration (WSA) to repatriate over eight million American military personnel from the European (ETO), Pacific, and Asian theaters. Hundreds of Liberty ships, Victory ships, and troop transports began repatriating soldiers from Europe to the United States in June 1945. Beginning in October 1945, over 370 United States Navy ships were used for repatriation duties in the Pacific. Warships, such as aircraft carriers, battleships, hospital ships, and large numbers of assault transports were used. The European phase of Operation Magic Carpet concluded in February 1946 while the Pacific phase continued until September 1946.[1]

  1. ^ Milstein, Stewart B (April 2008). "Operation Magic Carpet" (PDF). Universal Ship Cancellation Society. Retrieved 25 May 2018.