Order (ring theory)

In mathematics, an order in the sense of ring theory is a subring of a ring , such that

  1. is a finite-dimensional algebra over the field of rational numbers
  2. spans over , and
  3. is a -lattice in .

The last two conditions can be stated in less formal terms: Additively, is a free abelian group generated by a basis for over .

More generally for an integral domain with fraction field , an -order in a finite-dimensional -algebra is a subring of which is a full -lattice; i.e. is a finite -module with the property that .[1]

When is not a commutative ring, the idea of order is still important, but the phenomena are different. For example, the Hurwitz quaternions form a maximal order in the quaternions with rational co-ordinates; they are not the quaternions with integer coordinates in the most obvious sense. Maximal orders exist in general, but need not be unique: there is in general no largest order, but a number of maximal orders. An important class of examples is that of integral group rings.

  1. ^ Reiner (2003) p. 108