Ore resources on Mars

Mars may contain ores that would be very useful to potential colonists.[1][2] The abundance of volcanic features together with widespread cratering are strong evidence for a variety of ores.[3] While nothing may be found on Mars that would justify the high cost of transport to Earth, the more ores that future colonists can obtain from Mars, the easier it would be to build colonies there.[4]

  1. ^ Cordell, B. 1984. A Preliminary Assessment of Martian Natural Resource Potential. The Case For Mars II.
  2. ^ Clark, B. 1984. Chemistry of the Martian Surface: Resources for the Manned Exploration of Mars, in The Case For Mars. P. Boston, ed. American Astronautical Society. Univelt Inc. San Diego, CA
  3. ^ West, M., J. Clarke. 2010. Potential martian mineral resources: Mechanisms and terrestrial analogs. Planetary and Space Science 58, 574–582.ResearchGate
  4. ^ Larry O'Hanlon (February 22, 2010). "Mining Mars? Where's Ore?". Discovery News.