Oscillatoria princeps

Oscillatoria princeps
"Oscillatoria princeps"
Oscillatoria princeps
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Class: Cyanophyceae
Order: Oscillatoriales
Family: Oscillatoriaceae
Genus: Oscillatoria
O. princeps
Binomial name
Oscillatoria princeps

Oscillatoria princeps is the type species (lectotype) of the cyanobacterial (blue green algal) genus Oscillatoria.

The cyanobacterium is dark blue green in colour, due to the presence of the phycobilin pigments phycocyanin and phycoerythrin. Individual filaments are blue green to olive green in colour. Growth takes place only by transverse division hence the trichome comprises a single row of cells stacked one above the other. A cytoplasmic sheath is present which is very thin, hyaline and indistinct.

Mature trichomes are straight, the cells much broader than long and has hemispherical apical cell with keritomized (irregular to radial thylakoid arrangement) content. Trichome unconstricted in growth phase and constrictions were observed during reproduction. Distinct cross walls present. The size of the cells varies from 57.6 μm to 69.1 μm in width and 5.2 μm to 9.6 μm in length thus the ratio of the length and breadth is 1:8.

  1. ^ Gomont, M (1892). "Monographie des Oscillariées (Nostocacées Homocystées). Deuxième partie. - Lyngbyées". Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique. 7 (16).