
Outplacement is a support service provided by some organizations to help former employees transition to new jobs.[1] A consultancy firm usually provides the outplacement services which are paid for by the former employer and are achieved usually through practical advice, training materials and workshops. Some organizations offer psychological support.

Outplacement is either delivered through individual one-on-one sessions or in a group format. Topics include career guidance, career evaluation, job search skills, targeting the job market, resume writing, interview preparation, developing networks, and negotiation.

Consultants support individuals seeking a new job, and also those looking to start a new business, retire, or structure a portfolio of activities. Programs have time limits, ranging from a few months to more extended periods, such as 12 months and are offered at all levels of the organization, from workers to corporate employees.

Outplacement provides former employees structure and guidance towards their new career option, and preserves the morale of those who remain in the Company who see that colleagues are given the necessary support when they leave the company.

  1. ^ Doherty, Noeleen (1998). "The role of outplacement in redundancy management". Personnel Review. Vol. 27, no. 4. p. 343.