Ovo vegetarianism

Ovo-vegetarians consume eggs, but not dairy or animal flesh.
Comparison of selected vegetarian and semi-vegetarian diets (view template)
Plants Dairy Eggs Seafood Poultry All other animals
Vegetarianism Lacto-ovo vegetarianism Yes Yes Yes No No No
Lacto vegetarianism Yes Yes No No No No
Ovo vegetarianism Yes No Yes No No No
Veganism Yes No No No No No
Semi-vegetarianism Flexitarianism Yes Yes Yes Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes
Pollotarianism Yes Maybe Maybe Maybe Yes No
Pescetarianism Yes Maybe Maybe Yes No No

Ovo vegetarianism /ˈv/ is a type of vegetarianism which allows for the consumption of eggs but not dairy products, in contrast with lacto vegetarianism. Those who practice ovo vegetarianism are called ovo-vegetarians. "Ovo" comes from the Latin word for egg.